Friday, August 11, 2006

The weekend!

We made it to the weekend! How glorious! And, what's more, Petunia went to Grandma and Grandpa's yesterday afternoon, so my wife had time to focus on Chunk. She naps when he naps and just relaxes.

Petunia loves it in Huntsville. She plays in the park, pets the horses, jumps on the trampoline and has an all-around good time. She was worn out, though, because she slept for 12 hours. That was nice for me and the wife.

In other news, we downloaded a very addicting game yesterday. It is called Virtual Villagers. It's kind of a cross between Lost and The Sims. You are trying to establish this new civilization on an island, and train them in farming, construction, etc... Very fun.

1 comment:

Knite20 said...

Petunia and Chunk eh? Those are cute names! Glad you got some down time.. :)