Saturday, August 05, 2006

Putter Day

It's been a busy week, and I realized that it has been a long time since my last entry. 6 days in blog-world is a long time.

Today has been a putter day. Done a lot of things around the house. We always make a list of things to do, but never seem to quite get all of them done. There is something about crossing things off a list that feels good. Weeded the garden (which was a monumental task--we've basically ignored our garden this year because we've wanted to finish the basement), cleaned the house a little, went to the library, played in the sprinklers with Petunia. I still need to balance our checkbook. Oh, well. It'll happen eventually.

Just noticing outside the window that there is a good amount of lightning going on. It is so fun to watch the weather change around here.

Family is doing well. Can't believe our baby is already over 3 weeks old! His night feedings continue, and Tivo has been a big help. We Tivo shows that we can watch during his feeding so we can stay awake. I found one that was most interesting. It was on ESPN called 'The World Series of Darts'. I was fascinated at how accurate these guys can be! One of my posts will be devoted to our Tivo watchings, so look forward to that.

Well, it's late, and for ONCE both kids are asleep at THE SAME TIME. So this is prime sleeping time.

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