Monday, August 14, 2006

Home Alone

The wife and kids decided to go to Tremonton for a few days to visit family before they go back to school for the year. My mother-in-law is a teacher and my sis-in-law goes to college, so she thought it would be nice to spend some time up there. Plus, she'll have some extra hands to hold Chunk.

That leaves me here home alone. But it has been nice and productive. I've been able to clean the house a bit without Hurricane Petunia messing it up behind me. So, at least for now, things will be in order. Plus, i've been able to relax a bit. I wasn't feeling very good last night, so I went to bed WAY early and was able to get a full night's sleep. I feel much better today, and I know that sleep helped. I love my wife dearly!

And, it's not all work around here. I've had time to cook my dinner (from My Girlfriend's Kitchen) work on the Blog (do you like the new title?), checkup on some other blogs, play with my Virtual Villagers, watch some of my Tivo'd shows (The 4400 has been exceptionally good this season), and just relaxed. I don't know if i'll even have time to play XBox. If I don't, no big deal. Did I tell you that I love my wife dearly? I owe her big time for this!

Being home alone has its pluses, but I am also realizing just how much I miss the fam. I know The Wife won't believe this, but it's true. By this time, I would have watched an episode of The Little Einsteins with Petunia (her favorite show) and read her stories before sending her to bed. I would have burped Chunk at least three or four times by now, and I would have spent some good quality time with my dear sweet wife. I miss that. I feel like i'm on a business trip, yet, sleeping in our house. Weird. Good thing i'm going up there tomorrow to pick them up. One more day of this, and I would have gone crazy.

1 comment:

Rainbow said...

Time away really does make the heart grow fonder doesn't it.

When I am gone Hubby takes the opportunity to watch all the scary movies he wants and plays x-box.

Take care.