Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Presidential Buzz

President Bush is in town. That is always a big deal around here. We got an email today about changes to the traffic downtown tomorrow as he speaks to the American Legion convention and visits Church Headquarters. Roads will be closed and i'm sure traffic will be a mess.

That's OK, though. Tonight I witnessed quite a sight. I knew that Air Force One was going to be touching down tonight sometime, and I am one who is quite fond of aviation. I love to watch airplanes, big and small. As I was puttering outside, unloading the van, taking the garbage out, etc...I saw an aircraft approaching in the distance. This is not an uncommon sight where I live, simply because our neighborhood is directly in the flight path of the Salt Lake International Airport.

On a hunch, I wondered if this was, in fact, Air Force One. As it approached, I noticed that the tail was illuminated so you could see the American flag. Sure enough! It was indeed Air Force One! It came in very low, lower than regular commericial aircraft and it flew directly over our house! I was pretty impressed. For one, we just don't see 747's in Utah. And second, it was POTUS! ("President of the United States" for short--for you non Tom Clancy fans) Too bad our digital camera didn't have batteries!

1 comment:

Knite20 said...

That's rad, yo!
I'm so glad I'm not in the news biz, anymore... Once I had to wake up at 2am in order to setup a camera by 4am, so the secret service could search the area before 8am so we could all go back and cover the POTUS speech at 9am. All this was done behind a tortilla factory in CA.
But, I didn't get to see Air Force One :(