Thursday, December 20, 2007

Snowball Fight!!

I Found this on Jibjab. Merry Christmas!

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Well, I haven't been much of a blogger lately. The wife has surely picked up the slack on her blog:

But I did find something pretty funny for this holiday season: I did one for our family. Check it out:

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Newsroom Embedding is Live!

Another work post, but we've just gone live with the linking and embedding for the LDS Church's Newsroom website.

Here is an embedded video from one of the October 2007 World Report stories:

Here's another video with Elder Ballard answering the question "Are Mormons Christian?"

These videos are hosted on the Church's servers, but, as you can see, I am able to link to it just fine.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Embedding videos

Here is a link to a video from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Newsroom website, which is the website that I maintain at work. It is about President James E. Faust who passed away recently.

I am testing the functionality of embedding videos from the Newsroom site into blogs, similar to what you can do on YouTube.

Click the play button below to view the video:

Looks like it's not too difficult to do, and it works like a charm.

To embed this video in your blog, simply copy and paste the following code into your blog entry:

With a little 'view source'-ing, you can pretty much embed any video from Newsroom that is published. Hopefully soon we can make it easy for anyone to embed Newsroom videos into their blogs or websites. I love trying to figure this stuff out. This is probably the only time that I get to blog and work at the same time! I love my job!

P.S. Sorry for not blogging for a while, but things have been extremely busy. Our house is coming along nicely. My wife drove by it after dropping Petunia off at pre-school today and she said they are putting up drywall! Yay!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Long time no blog

Wow...I didn't realize it's been so long since my last blog. Certainly a lot has happened, and finding time to blog lately has been next to impossible.

The only reason I found time to blog now is that I am in the middle of a conference call with work (we are in the middle of an internal web application program launch), and I am waiting for other co-workers to get done with their part before continuing on. Luckily, my part is done, I just need to make sure everyone else does the right thing. I feel like conductor in the symphony.

Our house is sold and we are living in a tiny two bedroom apartment for the next 5 months and 7 days (or there abouts) while our new house gets built. It is really cramped. We have half of our stuff in a storage shed. We were hoping that by now, our plans would be complete and a hole would be dug, but we haven't heard anything yet.

We are SO excited for this new house, and can't wait to get into it. It will be a long 5 months, and I'm sure we'll be out to the site several times a week to check on the progress.

Who knows when I'll be able to blog again, but that is where we sit right now. Apartment living really stinks. We hear all sorts of noises at all hours and our neighbors play pulse pounding music on the weekends. But at least we are saving a little bit of money in the meantime. With the equity from our former house, we were able to pay off our van, so we are, besides some balances on our credit card, debt-free. And THAT is a nice feeling.

Well, things are going well with the launch and we are just about done, but it's not without incident. Time to go home to The Wife, who I miss dearly!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Busy Month

Wow. March just seemed to fly by. A lot has happened this month. After we signed on to build a house, The Wife and I kept feeling worse and worse about our decision. We still felt like this was the time to move, but the choice just didn't feel right. We loved the floor plan and the builder, but the location was not ideal. The lot size was significantly smaller than what we wanted, and each time we'd go back to that neighborhood, we just didn't feel like it was the place to raise our children. Not that it was a BAD neighborhood, but we felt that down the road, it could turn that way.

So we decided to go look at one more builder that was just up the road from where we were going to build. Their lots were a LOT bigger (1/4 acre, as opposed to .16 acre), the house plans were a little bigger (and, frankly, less expensive), and we loved the neighborhood. So, after praying about it, we felt that THIS was the place to build.

We are feeling much better about things now, and the ball is rolling. We meet to sign the papers on Fruday, and shortly after, signup for the loan pre-qual.

So far, we have had about 13 families come though the house, but as of yet, no offers. It's a little discouraging, but, we still aren't in any rush to move. The Wife would like someone to make an offer because then we can move into an apartment and save some extra money for 6 months. Plus, she wouldn't have to worry about an agent calling and saying, 'We'll be by to show the house from 5:30-7:30'. That is the worst because then she has to make sure the house is clean and we have to drag the kids out somewhere.

So, anyway, that is the update for now.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Life changes

Holy cow. It has been a while since my last blog. I guess there wasn't too much to report on in the last few months, until now.

We have done something tonight that seems very surreal. We put our home up on the market! We are still kind of like, AH!!...What did we just do? We have been thinking for a long time about moving a little farther north so that we can be 1) closer to family, 2) in a bigger home for a better price and 3) close to a commuter rail stop for work. And this past week, things have just happened to fall into place. This is the way it has always been for our family. At the time, the big decisions were always scary (We thought the same thing each time: "AH!! What did we just do??"), but they just felt right. The decision to marry was right, the decision to move to Layton was right, the decision for The Wife to quit work to take care of the kids was right, and now, the decision to move again seems scary, but right.

There are still a lot of unknowns, like will it sell in 2 weeks or 2 months? We aren't really in any rush, because we haven't even begun to build our next house. Tomorrow we meet with the builder to lock in the lot and the house plan, so that will feel a bit better to at least know that that ball is rolling. We swore that we would never build again, but, here again, the decision just feels right. The other thing that is a comfort in all this is that our next house will be our home base for the rest of our lives. Even if it means we move into an apartment for a few months while they finish building it, I think we are fine with it. It will save us a little money anyway.

Wow. A lot to think about, and I am sure I will blog about the progress as it happens. I feel much better after typing this. Ain't blogs grand? It's like your own free psychiatrist.

For now, while The Wife is away at book club, Petunia is asleep and I am here with chunk. Time for a little diversion...gonna go catch up on 24.

Living the American dream all over again. Wow.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Commuter Special

What a surprise! I caught my commuter bus today, and it happens to be equiped with wireless Internet. So here I am blogging whilst I commute. Sure beats being behind the wheel! We are going at a pretty good clip, so traffic isn't too bad.

I don't normally catch them this late, but work was a bear today, so I'm coming home a little later than normal, and I had to bring my laptop home because we need to check on our website later. We had an upgrade, (which is happening right now) so we need to keep tabs on it and make sure it all went well.

I would have stayed later at work, but I needed to be hoome to do some church stuff with the Bishop.

Well, gotta go. I want to post something to The Wife's MySpace page (to surprise her).

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cause for Celebration!

Chunk finally slept through the night this weekend! Woohoo! We'll see if it keeps up, but that is cause for celebration!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Dave Barry and Me

Happy Three-day weekend to you all! I can't tell you how nice it is to have an extra day off this weekend. We are spending it well, cleaning house, playing with the kids, possibly heading up to Grandma and Grandpas. We'll see.

So, I normally don't actively participate in the public blogosphere, but yesterday, I found something that was just too good to keep to myself. I am a huge '24' fan, and I saw something in USA Today that seemed so appropriate to pass on, that I couldn't resist.

Dave Barry (The Miami Herald humor columnist), who I have been a faithful reader of ever since my high school days, also has a blog that I keep up with on a daily basis. Long story short, he is a huge '24' fan as well, and blogs about it all the time. I found this article, and immediately forward it on to him. Lo and behold, he posts it on his blog and credits me for it! I was well pleased. Granted, he doesn't know me from Adam, but to have this kind of communication with people anywhere just amazes me.