Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Busy Month

Wow. March just seemed to fly by. A lot has happened this month. After we signed on to build a house, The Wife and I kept feeling worse and worse about our decision. We still felt like this was the time to move, but the choice just didn't feel right. We loved the floor plan and the builder, but the location was not ideal. The lot size was significantly smaller than what we wanted, and each time we'd go back to that neighborhood, we just didn't feel like it was the place to raise our children. Not that it was a BAD neighborhood, but we felt that down the road, it could turn that way.

So we decided to go look at one more builder that was just up the road from where we were going to build. Their lots were a LOT bigger (1/4 acre, as opposed to .16 acre), the house plans were a little bigger (and, frankly, less expensive), and we loved the neighborhood. So, after praying about it, we felt that THIS was the place to build.

We are feeling much better about things now, and the ball is rolling. We meet to sign the papers on Fruday, and shortly after, signup for the loan pre-qual.

So far, we have had about 13 families come though the house, but as of yet, no offers. It's a little discouraging, but, we still aren't in any rush to move. The Wife would like someone to make an offer because then we can move into an apartment and save some extra money for 6 months. Plus, she wouldn't have to worry about an agent calling and saying, 'We'll be by to show the house from 5:30-7:30'. That is the worst because then she has to make sure the house is clean and we have to drag the kids out somewhere.

So, anyway, that is the update for now.

1 comment:

Channynba said...

Man, it sounds rough...Glad its coming along now. How are you all?