Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Years Resolutions

Well, another year has come and gone. It's hard to believe. Each year seems to go by faster than the last. And when you look back, it's amazing to see just how much your life changes in that year.

With the new year comes the proverbial New Years Resolutions. I always thought that resolutions were a good thing, but I have noticed a trend when it comes to the New Year. It seems that each year it's the SAME thing. Get in shape, eat healthier, get out of debt, blah, blah blah blah. And it always ends up the same. You last for about 2-3 weeks, and then it's back to the same old grind. It seems to me that New Years Resolutions never seem to stick. Am I right, or am I right, or am I right?

So my plan this year is the same as it was last year---to not make any resolutions. The way I see it, if you find yourself needing to change, why wait until the new year? Why not just start now? I did the same thing last year, and it worked out great. I never felt guilty for breaking a resolution 2 weeks into it, and I found that I could just find new or different ways to improve whenever I needed to. I found I could improve myself not just because the clock was ticking into a new year and telling me I had to, but because I wanted to.


Knite20 said...

and I say to that...Amen.
Resolve to be ever-resolved.
change when change is needed. blah blah blah...
We should be able to set resolutions for others. That could be a lot more effective.
i.e., I would resolve for my boss to think more, to use his noggin, to show up to his office more, to look at the clock, to make it to appointments, to stop making us read his mind.. etc...
Yeah. That's how it should be.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bro. I have been telling people that forever, and they don't understand. They say don't be a party pooper. You're spoiling it. Well I still am sticking with my guns and am agreeing with you whole heartedly