Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Commuter Special

What a surprise! I caught my commuter bus today, and it happens to be equiped with wireless Internet. So here I am blogging whilst I commute. Sure beats being behind the wheel! We are going at a pretty good clip, so traffic isn't too bad.

I don't normally catch them this late, but work was a bear today, so I'm coming home a little later than normal, and I had to bring my laptop home because we need to check on our website later. We had an upgrade, (which is happening right now) so we need to keep tabs on it and make sure it all went well.

I would have stayed later at work, but I needed to be hoome to do some church stuff with the Bishop.

Well, gotta go. I want to post something to The Wife's MySpace page (to surprise her).

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cause for Celebration!

Chunk finally slept through the night this weekend! Woohoo! We'll see if it keeps up, but that is cause for celebration!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Dave Barry and Me

Happy Three-day weekend to you all! I can't tell you how nice it is to have an extra day off this weekend. We are spending it well, cleaning house, playing with the kids, possibly heading up to Grandma and Grandpas. We'll see.

So, I normally don't actively participate in the public blogosphere, but yesterday, I found something that was just too good to keep to myself. I am a huge '24' fan, and I saw something in USA Today that seemed so appropriate to pass on, that I couldn't resist.

Dave Barry (The Miami Herald humor columnist), who I have been a faithful reader of ever since my high school days, also has a blog that I keep up with on a daily basis. Long story short, he is a huge '24' fan as well, and blogs about it all the time. I found this article, and immediately forward it on to him. Lo and behold, he posts it on his blog and credits me for it! I was well pleased. Granted, he doesn't know me from Adam, but to have this kind of communication with people anywhere just amazes me.