Thursday, October 26, 2006

Airport Oddity

I was sitting in the Austin airport awaiting my flight back home, and I noticed some unusual activity a few gates down. I noticed some airport security standing around and what appeared to be very bright lights shining in the terminal (the lights were noticeable because it was raining pretty heavily outside, and definitely not bright enought to be sunlight).

As I moved a bit closer, I noticed a bunch of film equipment and the lights were such that it appeared they turned the terminal into a movie set. I am always fascinated with that stuff, and having plenty of time before I had to board the plane, I watched closely for a while as they were setting up the scene. It appeared they were filming a scene where 4 school friends were getting off the plane.

I didn't recognize any actors, but the director was Quentin Tarantino. I only know him from reading all about him in the entertainment world, and from seeing him in some TV cameos. Here is a photo from my camera phone, not very good quality ('cruddy-cam'), but he is the one sitting up on the camera boom.

It's not every day you see a movie being filmed in an airport.

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