Saturday, January 12, 2008

Playing Mr. Mom

Whew. What a busy time this has been. For a while now, The Wife has had some health issues that pretty much knock her down and out for days at a time. Well, last week she had an ultrasound (not what you think!). It was discovered that she was the proud mother of gall stones. She met with the surgeon and determined that the best course of action was to have her gall bladder removed. For whatever reason, the gall bladder is one of those organs that really isn't necessary, like the appendix. Who knew? So, on Thursday, she went under the knife and now no longer has her gall bladder.

The surgery went well, and she is resting comfortably for the most part, but the pain comes and goes. She is doing much better today than yesterday, but we think in the long run this will solve these ongoing health issues.

It has been interesting for me to play Mr. Mom. I don't think that can ever measure up to what The Wife does for the kids. I was able to get Petunia ready for school yesterday, even though she cried getting on the bus. After that, I took Chunk to the Library and Post Office so she could get some rest while Petunia was as school. It's sad, but I count the hours until nap time and bedtime (less than a half hour now). Right now they are watching 'Calliou'. Soon it will be time for bedtime stories and prayers. Oh, how I look forward to that. I have had to break up many an argument between Petunia and Chunk, clean up spilled food storage macaroni in the basement, change a few batteries in some electronic toys, wiped some messy faces, but all-in-all, not too bad.

Once things calm down, in my quiet moments while the family sleeps, I have been really into Railroad Tycoon III. In the past it has been games like Flight Simulator and The Sims. They are good little escape games that help me to relax. Lately, I have needed it. Don't get me wrong. I love my kids to death, but sometimes things get really insane, and to keep my sanity, there is nothing like building a railroad empire until 1:00 in the morning to get my mind off the hectic schedule of playing Mr. Mom.


Knite20 said...

Kudos to You Mr. Mom!!
Pitchin' in while she's out. Pickin' up while she's down.
movin' forth while she's on her back.
keep on truckin'... or shall I say locomotive'n!!


Channynba said...

your such a good husband and father...glad to hear all went well.