Sunday, September 17, 2006

It's a Festivus Miracle!

For the first time in I don't know how many weeks, Petunia actually made it all the way through nursery without me and The Wife having to be within a 50 foot radius! We actually got to enjoy Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society. Granted, as time went by, we kept wondering, "They are going to come and get us any minute now...." with a screaming girl in tow, but it never happened. Sacrament meeting was still an adventure in keeping her occupied, but we are so thankful for small miracles.

We were in Ferron, UT this weekend for a family reunion (my in-laws). It was a fun little road trip for us, but we are glad to be home. We stayed at Camp Bert, which is this 'compound' originally built in the late 1990's by some religious group that claimed the world was going to end in 2002. When that didn't happen, they sold it, and now it is a hotel, of sorts. We stayed in a small room that felt like we were a part of a polygamous family. Central Utah is known for that kinda thing. There was a huge kitchen and dining room area, and a 'chapel', that has been converted to a huge rec room, with a big screen TV. The organ and podium are still there, which was kinda creepy, but it was fun to get away. Petunia had fun with the cousins and there was no shortage of hands to hold Chunk. We were grateful for the little reprieve.

All-in-all, a good weekend. Can't wait for the next one!

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