Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Power of a Name

In remembering Elder Wirthlin this week, I can't help but think back about a very fortunate experience I had with him personally. Almost 10 years ago, when I started working for the church, I had the opportunity as my work assignment, to support a computer program that is used by the Apostles every week. Like all computer programs, it was never without it's bugs. I would occasionally get calls to come fix problems with this program.

This was quite nerve wracking for a 'wet behind the ears' programmer like me. Talk about a refiner's fire. To try to fix the problem while a member of the Quorum of the Twelve was sitting there waiting for it to be fixed, was, I dare say, the most stressful experience of my life.

I was very humbled to have this assignment, but, what a blessing to be able to mingle with these wonderful men.

Whenever I had to fix the computer that they were using, they would, of course, be anxious to have it fixed, being under such a tight schedule as it is. And it was always a huge relief to fix it so that they could continue their work.

Which brings me to Elder Wirthlin.

Whenever I had to fix Elder Wirthlin's computer, though, it was different. As I would be working feverishly to try to fix the problem, he would calmly sit back, waiting ever-so-patiently. What touched me the most, though, was the fact that he was the only Apostle that always called me by name. That touched me in ways that I never anticipated. To have the Lord's Anointed know my name was something very special to me.

I will always remember that about Elder Wirthlin. He may not have known me on a personal level, but he knew my name. That was powerful. The power of a name.

He may have been short in stature, but he was a giant among men, and someone that I always looked up to. I will miss him deeply.