Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Twitter and The Summer Relief Trip

Here it is, mid August. Where is this summer going? I have no idea. One thing I do know is that I am SO ready for a vacation. In 4 days and less than 16 hours we will be on our way to California for a week. This will be our first road trip with both the kids. A few years back we took Petunia to Yellowstone, and we had a blast. But this will be Chunk's first excursion. I know it will be a challenge keeping them occupied while we drive, but the change of scenery will a welcome sight. Plus, going with The Peaches will also be a blast! I'm tying really hard to keep focused at work, but it's tough when I see that it is 77 degrees along the California Coast, and that gas prices are some 20 cents cheaper there! I CAN'T WAIT!

As you are well aware, my blog postings have been minimal at most. Besides Facebook, I have discovered this thing called 'Twitter' which is kind of a mini-version of a blog. You type in these 'tweets'-- a sentence or two of 'What you are doing right now'--and lately that has been much more my style. Quick and to the point. Facebook has the same kind of things, too. You can find me there at http://twitter.com/ensigndj. Come join me! I think you'll like it.

During the course of the road trip, I will try to post tweets of what it is we are doing, where we are, and anything interesting that we see. I might even update Facebook with a picture or two if we have the time.

California, here we come!