Monday, April 28, 2008

What's been happening....

Well, it is time for my once-every-few-months blog post! It seems my wife has been better at blogging than me lately. Oh, well. Hopefully I can bring you up to speed on our goings on.

We have reason to celebrate lately, because now we have a yard! We have a full-fledged sprinkler system, sod, trees, and curbing. And no, we didn't do it ourselves. That what our tax return was for this year, and it was well worth it. I did spend the evening fertilizing the grass, and boy, did it feel good to putter around the yard!

We did plant 4 trees by ourselves. Three in the front (flowering fruitless pear) and one in the back (Blazing maple). I hope they grow well. The kids love to help water them, even though more water seems to get on them than in the ground. They love to have a place to play outside now. Our flower and vegetable gardens can wait until next year.

Another exciting development this week is the launch of FrontRunner, the new commuter rail. We took the kids for a ride on Saturday and they loved it. And so did I. When we came back to our station and the train went on its way, the kids waved goodbye to it while exclaiming, "Bye Bye, Daddy's Toot-Toot!" I am thrilled to be able to ride it. It goes pretty fast (we passed up a ton of traffic this morning, and I couldn't help but smile), and the ride is so smooth and quiet. Even though it may take me the same amount of time to get to work, the station is right up the street. Yet another advantage to moving into this house. It is much closer than the bus stop. We can even see the trains from our backyard, which is fun.

I got called to be the Ward clerk recently. It is much more involved than being the Finance clerk, but I love it. Every week, I learn new things.

Well, that about does it for now. Thanks for checking in!