Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Long time no blog

Wow...I didn't realize it's been so long since my last blog. Certainly a lot has happened, and finding time to blog lately has been next to impossible.

The only reason I found time to blog now is that I am in the middle of a conference call with work (we are in the middle of an internal web application program launch), and I am waiting for other co-workers to get done with their part before continuing on. Luckily, my part is done, I just need to make sure everyone else does the right thing. I feel like conductor in the symphony.

Our house is sold and we are living in a tiny two bedroom apartment for the next 5 months and 7 days (or there abouts) while our new house gets built. It is really cramped. We have half of our stuff in a storage shed. We were hoping that by now, our plans would be complete and a hole would be dug, but we haven't heard anything yet.

We are SO excited for this new house, and can't wait to get into it. It will be a long 5 months, and I'm sure we'll be out to the site several times a week to check on the progress.

Who knows when I'll be able to blog again, but that is where we sit right now. Apartment living really stinks. We hear all sorts of noises at all hours and our neighbors play pulse pounding music on the weekends. But at least we are saving a little bit of money in the meantime. With the equity from our former house, we were able to pay off our van, so we are, besides some balances on our credit card, debt-free. And THAT is a nice feeling.

Well, things are going well with the launch and we are just about done, but it's not without incident. Time to go home to The Wife, who I miss dearly!